Programming is a field that has traditionally been considered highly visual. From the graphical interface of code editors to complex debugging tools and the need to observe how errors and code structures are highlighted, programming seems designed to be mastered by sight.
However, in recent years, a growing community of blind programmers has emerged, who not only participate in this field of programming but have proven that blindness is not an insurmountable barrier to becoming a successful developer. This transformation of programming has been made possible thanks to technological innovations that have made the world of code accessible to those who cannot rely on sight.
This article from ITD Consulting delves into how blind people are changing the way we understand programming. Through tools like screen readers, braille displays, and customized workflow strategies, blind developers are demonstrating that programming is more about logic, structures, and problem-solving than about the ability to see code on a screen.
Furthermore, together with ITD Consulting, we will explore the impact of these tools on the tech world, showing how blind programmers are not only overcoming visual barriers but also paving the way for greater inclusion and diversity in the tech and programming industries.

Programming as Text: Challenges and Solutions
Zersiax, a blind programmer known in the community, shared his perspective during a Q&A session on Reddit. In his intervention, Zersiax highlighted a crucial point: programming is fundamentally a process of writing text that then becomes instructions for the computer.
This text in programming is the language that machines understand, regardless of whether the writer can see what they are doing. In other words, programming is not as much about the visual aspect as it is about working with code, which is entirely accessible when the right tools are used.
What's important in programming here is that the code itself does not require visual interaction but depends on the ability to write instructions correctly that a machine can process. Of course, the development environment, such as text editors and debugging tools, is designed with visual interfaces.
However, blind programmers like Zersiax show that with the right technology, these visual barriers can be overcome. Programs and interfaces become tools that convert text into speech or braille, making the code completely accessible to those without sight.
Tools Empowering Blind Programmers
For blind programmers to write, debug, and review their code, accessibility tools are key. Over the years, the development of technologies tailored to blind people has been crucial in enabling them to compete in the programming world. Among the most common tools blind programmers use are screen readers and braille displays.
1. Screen Readers
Screen readers are programs that convert visual text into speech or braille. Programs like NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access), JAWS (Job Access With Speech), and Apple's VoiceOver are among the most used by blind programmers. These programs read the content of the screen and translate it into a format blind users can understand.
In addition to reading the code, screen readers can interact with user interface elements, such as buttons, menus, and tool windows, enabling developers to navigate their work environment efficiently.
What's fascinating is that these readers don’t just read basic text; they can also provide information about the code's structure, such as indentation, syntax errors, and the location of brackets. With this constant feedback, developers can work as efficiently as their sighted counterparts.
2. Braille Displays
Braille displays are devices that allow users to read screen text in a tactile way. Instead of converting text to speech, these devices convert text into braille characters that move across a tactile surface.
This is especially useful for blind programmers who need to read fine details in the code, such as punctuation and indentation, which are crucial in languages like Python or C++. The use of braille not only allows efficient reading of the code but also helps understand the program’s structure.
Workflow Customization Strategies
While accessibility tools are fundamental, blind programmers also need to customize their workflow to suit their needs. Zersiax, like many other blind developers, has developed a series of strategies to tackle the inherent challenges of coding without visual access during programming.
1. Avoid Complex Visual Editors
One of Zersiax's first recommendations is to avoid visually complex code editors. Tools like Delphi, which rely on graphical interfaces for their functionality, are harder to use for blind people. Instead, blind programmers prefer plain text editors like Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code, which allow direct interaction with the code without visual distractions. These text editors are also more compatible with screen readers, making them easier to use.

2. Organizing Code through Audio and Braille
Zersiax uses a unique strategy to handle indentation and code organization. Instead of relying on sight to check the structure of the code, he uses audio settings on his screen reader to indicate the levels of indentation. The changing tones allow blind programmers to understand how their code is structured without the need to see it.
Additionally, he also uses braille displays to check the punctuation and syntax of his code. This combination of tactile and audio feedback is extremely effective for sightless programming.
3. Not Relying on Visual Information
One of the most useful practices Zersiax has adopted is closing parentheses, brackets, and quotation marks immediately. This strategy ensures that the code is always well-structured and reduces the risk of syntax errors that could go unnoticed. By not relying on sight to verify the structure, blind programmers can ensure that their code is correctly closed from the beginning, which increases accuracy and reduces debugging time.
Programming Languages and Accessible Resources
When choosing which programming languages to learn or use, blind programmers must consider how accessible the tools associated with those languages are. Zersiax, for example, prefers Python due to its clean and readable syntax. Python is known for its legible and simple format, which makes it easier to understand, even without direct sight. The simplicity of Python’s syntax makes it an ideal language for blind people as it is easier to write and debug.
Additionally, Zersiax recommends using accessible IDEs such as Visual Studio Code and Notepad++, as both integrate well with screen readers. These development environments offer debugging features that allow blind developers to find and fix errors efficiently. Even without seeing the code, blind programmers can navigate between lines, detect errors, and correct syntax issues using these accessible IDEs.
Overcoming Challenges and Finding Success
Although programming for blind people presents obstacles, these are not insurmountable. The biggest challenge, according to many blind programmers, is memorizing large amounts of text. Since they cannot see the code on their screen, they must read it repeatedly, which can slow down the coding process. However, with practice and experience, many blind programmers manage to overcome this challenge.
The story of Saqib Shaikh, a software engineer at Microsoft, is an inspiring example. Shaikh, who is blind, has worked on developing artificial intelligence tools at Microsoft. He uses Visual Studio, an accessible IDE, and has shown that it is possible to have a successful tech career despite visual barriers. Shaikh is a clear example of how blind people can overcome difficulties and succeed in programming and technology.
The Future of Programming for Blind People
The future of programming for blind people is promising, with new tools and technologies constantly being developed. One example of this innovation is Umwelt, software developed by MIT that allows blind users to create data graphics without prior visual content. This system uses a combination of textual representations, sonification (converting data into tones), and tactile displays to create a multimodal experience.
The development of technologies like these not only makes programming more accessible, but it also opens new doors for blind people to engage in areas of technology that were previously out of their reach. Creating tools that do not depend on sight allows blind programmers to participate in areas such as data analysis, information visualization, and artificial intelligence.

Programming for blind people is emerging as one of the most exciting and transformative areas in the world of technology. What once seemed like an inherently visual domain, where sight was a necessity to interact with code, is now being democratized through innovation and inclusion.
Tools for programming such as screen readers, braille displays, and accessible development environments have enabled more and more blind programmers to actively integrate into the tech ecosystem. These advances have not only made it possible for vision-impaired developers to participate in the world of programming, but they are also redefining what it means to be a programmer, demonstrating that the ability to code and solve problems is not limited by sight, but by the ability to learn and adapt.
While significant challenges still exist, such as the need to memorize large volumes of code and overcome the limitations imposed by the lack of visual access, advancements in accessibility tools are making these obstacles increasingly manageable. Blind programmers are finding innovative ways to overcome these barriers, from using sonification technologies to interpret data, to adapting their development environments to work more efficiently.
More and more, accessible solutions are being designed not only to eliminate limitations but also to empower the strengths of blind developers, giving them greater autonomy and equal access to the same tools that sighted developers use.
As more blind programmers join the tech industry, a diverse and deeply talented community is being built, challenging preconceived notions about who can be a programmer and how the software creation process should look.
This community is proving that talent and innovation have no barriers, and that diversity in the field of programming can only enrich the development of more inclusive and creative technological solutions. By integrating the perspective of blind programmers, the industry is opening new doors for the development of products and services that, by being designed in a more accessible way, benefit all users, regardless of their visual capabilities.
Programming for blind people is not only an example of how technology can adapt to make what once seemed impossible possible, but also a testament to how human creativity can turn any limitation into an opportunity. By unlocking the potential of blind people in the tech world, we are building an ecosystem that reflects true inclusion, where innovation doesn’t rely on vision, but on the ability to think creatively, solve complex problems, and provide unique solutions.
This shift is not only improving accessibility in programming but is also pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the tech industry as a whole. If you want to learn more about innovations, not only in the programming world but in technology in general, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We have tailor-made technological solutions to meet your needs so you can stay at the forefront.